About Us
Gwilym Richards FRICS FAAV FLAA - Director
Gwilym has been selling and valuing country property, farms, land, livestock and machinery throughout England and Wales for over 40 years . Gwilym also has considerable knowledge of land development and planning matters, and is on the valuation panels of financial institutions, DEFRA and the Welsh Government. He is nationally recognised as one of the dairy farming industry's principal auctioneers and valuers.
Tel: 01600 860 300
Mobile: 07768 020 393
Email: gr@grichards.co.uk
Rhys Thomas - Placement Student
Rhys is currently a student at Harper Adams University studying BSc Rural Enterprise and Land Management.
Jason Brown - Dairy Cattle Consultant
Jason assists in arranging and conducting auction sales of dairy cattle on farms in England and Wales, and private treaty sales of dairy cattle direct from farm-to-farm throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe.
Mobile: 07774 816 384.
Heather Richards - Company Secretary